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Dr. Ruwan Jayshinghe
Dept. of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- Health specialist with over 20 years’ experience in teaching, clinical dental practice, scholarly research, and leadership.
- Chairman, Commission on Oral Diseases, Asia Pacific Dental Federation and Asia Pacific Regional Organization of the World Dental Federation (FDI).
- Honorary Professor of Teesside University, UK.
- Adjunct Professor, University of Puthisastra, Cambodia.
- Director, Operational Technical Secretariat (OTS), University of Peradeniya, AHEAD Operations.
- Deputy Director (Operations and Engagement), Peradeniya University Research and Grant Office (PURGO), University of Peradeniya.

Dr. Vijay Prakash Mathur
AIIMS, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
- Working in AIIMS, New Delhi for past 24 years.
- Received prestigious Commonwealth Academic Fellowship in 2014 to University College London.
- Awarded with Founder President Award of Indian Society for Dental Research and Dr J. G Kanappan Award for Maximum Citations.
- Involved in about 45 research projects funded by different organizations.
- Presented WHO technical dialogue on 20 March 2023 for WHO SEARO on Oral Health relating suffering in Early Childhood.

Dr. Chandrashekar Yavagal
MDS (Gold Medalist), DORTH, PhD Laser Biophotonics
- Senior Professor & P.G Guide in Paediatric Dentistry, Bapuji Dental College & Hospital, Davanagere, India.
- President (India) - Asia Pacific Laser Institute, Taiwan.
- Scientific Chair - Asian Academy Of Laser Therapy.
- Vice-President - International College for light medicine & laser therapy (COLLL, Germany).
- WALT Leadership 2021-2024: Director (SM).
- Kol/Kee: Novolase, Dentsply Sirona, GC, Litetouch.

Dr. K. Ranganathan
Professor and Head, Oral Pathology and Oral Histology, Ragas Dental College, Chennai
- Secretary, International Association of Oral Pathologist (IAOP).
- Chairperson, Fellowship committee, Indian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology.
- Member, Board of Studies: Dr. NTR University, Andhra Pradesh.
- Faculty Appraisal: University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Visiting Professor: University of Malaya, Malaysia.
- Member, Screening Committee for Research: The TN MGR Medical University, Chennai.
- PhD Guide: The TN MGR Medical University, Chennai, and Sri Ramachandra Medical University.

Dr. Viswa Chaitanya Chandu
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry
Government Dental College & Hospital, Vijayawada
- Committee member of the FDI-IDA Oral Health Observatory project.
- Recipient of Dr. SS Hiremath Endowment Award from the Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry.
- Recipient of Special Judge’s Choice Richard Law Award – 2016 from Global Child Dental Fund, London in association with King’s College, London.
- Recipient of Richard Law Award – 2014 from Global Child Dental Fund, London in association with King’s College, London.
- Resource person for Dr. NTRUHS’ PhD workshops on research methodology and biostatistics.

Dr. Sudhakara Rao Madala
Professor, Department of ENT, Dr. PSIMS & RF, Chinna Ovutapalli, Vijayawada
- First Sialendoscopic Surgeon in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
- 22 years of experience in the field of Otorhinolaryngology.
- PG Gold Medal in MS ENT from Osmania Medical College as topper in NTRUHS.
- Winner of “Travel Fellowship for Head & Neck Oncology” in 2005 from AOI AP.
- P L Bhoomareddy Gold Medal for best paper at state conference.

Dr. Sailesh Lele
MDS & Diploma Med Edu
Head/Coordinator, Dept. of Academic Development & Quality Assurance, Bharati Vidyapeeth University
- Fellow, Medical Education & Research (FAIMER Institute, Philadelphia), Certified Specialist in Online Teaching & Learning (Blackboard Academy, USA).
- Independent Consultant for curriculum design, development of learning outcomes, educational methods, and quality assurance.
- Professional position: Peer, National Assessment & Accreditation Council, Bengaluru.
- Fellowship in Medical Education & Research, FAIMER Institute, USA.
- Diploma in Medical Education, University of Dundee, Scotland.
- Certified Specialist in Digital Teaching & Learning, Blackboard Academy, USA.

Dr. Paul C. Salins
Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeon
Managing Director / Vice President, Narayana Hrudayalaya & Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Hospital
- Managing Director and Vice-President of Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Center and Narayana Hrudayalaya Multispecialty Hospital, one of the largest cancer centers globally with 1,400 beds.
- Internationally acclaimed authority in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, trained and worked across the globe.
- Fellow by the American College of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons.
- Key contributions in facial aesthetic surgery.
- Research interests in engineering applications, particularly in modeling-based decision-making processes for surgical practice.

Dr. Gopakumar R. Nair
MDS, Oral Medicine & Radiology
Senior Academician & Practitioner
- Active academician and clinician with over 35 years of experience.
- Trained in CT MRI and videofluoroscopy from Zurich University, Switzerland.
- Fellowship in dental implantology from the University of Genoa, Italy.
- Awarded the Most Proactive Academician in Oral Medicine and Radiology in 2016.
- Member of curriculum revision committees at Rajiv Gandhi University.
- Served as the President of the Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology in 2016.

Dr. Venkata Srinivasan
Principal & Dean Faculty, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be) Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai
- Extensive Teaching Experience: Over 30 Years.
- Designed, formulated, and implemented Human Behavioral Sciences curriculum, one of the first in the country.
- Served twice as Vice-President of the Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology (2002, 2018).
- Served as Hon General Secretary of the Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology.
- Currently Hon Secretary of the Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology Maharashtra State Branch.
- Additional training in Biomedical Ethics, NABH Accreditation Standards for Dental Health Care Service Providers, and Basic Teacher’s Training.

Dr. Gauri Lele
Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, GSMC-FAIMER Fellowship, MBA - Education Management, PhD Scholar
- Clinical experience of about 34 years, academician for 24 years.
- Integrating Oral Health in Medical Education curriculum module development award by the AAMC and MedEdPortal, Washington DC (2012).
- Distinguished Woman award by the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry for contribution in the field of Pediatric Dentistry (2021).
- Involved in the development of Competency-Based Curriculum for the Dental Council of India, for the UG program in Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry.
- Developed a curricular module in Behavioral Sciences with special emphasis on Communication Skills for dental undergraduate students and conducted it from 2007 to 2014 for first-year BDS students.
- Developed a curricular module for postgraduate students on ‘communication skills’ and conducted the same from 2010 to 2018.

Dr. M. Shivasakthy
Director, Institute of Health Professions Education; Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics, IGIDS at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University
- Member, Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Dundee, UK.
- Member, American Dental Education Association (ADEA), Washington DC.
- Member, National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), Govt. of India.
- Director, Institute of Health Professions Education, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry, India.
- Endowed with the “Shri Gurucharan Das Endowment Medal” for Best Ph.D. Scholar.
- Contributed to five training manuals on palliative care for medical officers, staff nurses, ASHA workers, community health workers, and multipurpose workers for Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness centres (NHSRC, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India).
- Contributed to two competency-based training manuals for “in-service pharmacists” and “lab technologists” for primary health care in Odisha.